伊人情人网 Yancheng Coast Guard Bureau Announcement for Unclaimed Property
《 东谈主民日报国外版 》( 2024年08月30日 第 08 版)
On 27 January 2023, Yancheng Coast Guard Bureau seized
the vessel involved in crimes, Yushun 98(裕顺98, in Chinese
characters). It has this painted vessel code on the pilot
house, a black hull, a white pilot house, and the steel
stamp‘隆政丸’(Long Zheng Wan)on the bow, carrying 12
containers with refrigeration devices in its hold. The伊人情人网
containers carry smuggled frozen goods.
This announcement is hereby issued under the fact that
the owner of the above property cannot be identified. It is
requested that within six months from the date of this
announcement, the owner of the property concerned should go
to Yancheng Coast Guard Bureau with valid documents and
legal and effective formalities to claim the property andaccept
the investigation and processing
(Contact Tel: +86-515-82200336). If the property is not
claimed after the deadline, Yancheng Coast Guard Bureau
口交做爱专题will legally treat it as unclaimed property in accordance with
relevant regulations.
This announcement is issued by Yancheng Coast Guard
Bureau on August 30伊人情人网, 2024.
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